Dr. Gerard D Bocquee is the brain behind HOMLAB-
Homeopathic Supply and Research laboratory of Australia. Dr. Gerard, who was
born in Mauritius, is a renowned homeopath known for his zeal to spread
Homeopathy widely in Australia and abroad for the last 34 years.
Gerard Bocquee, Founder and President
of the Australian Association of Professional
Homeopaths (AAPH), graduated from the Homeopathic Medical College
of South Africa in 1978. Dr. G Bocquee remained
the elected President of the Board of AAPH.
Consequent to his hard and dedicated work in popularizing Homeopathy in
various parts of the country, he has held the position of President of the AAPH
for many years.
Gerard Bocquee has an uncommon strength of having a
research base in his clinical environment and also initiated to educate people in Homeopathy
as a system of medicine through regular talk many public lectures including one
to the medical and nursing staff of the lngau Hospital in Papua New Guinea, in
1984. He has contributed to various magazines and newspapers on the subject of
Homeopathy and has presented research papers both in Australia and abroad. He
is a hardcore researcher, clinician, teacher and promoter of homeopathy.
Gerard Bocquee, a Member of AROH has
been a member of the
Curriculum Development Advisory Committee of TAFE developing a course in Homeopathy. In addition, Dr. Bocquee has been taking special interest
in organizing short term Orientation Training Programs for Teachers of Homeopathic
Medical Colleges in various parts of the country, and successfully founded
the Homeopathic College of Australia in 1979, and has lectured in Homeopathy as
well as in microbiology and immunology.
Gerard Bocquee has also been at pains to
educate people in Homeopathy as a system of medicine through regular public
talks. His stress on alternative system of medication has been aimed at
bringing relief to the poor who are not able to afford costly Allopathic
medicines. He has contributed regularly to various magazines and newspapers on
the subject of Homeopathy and has presented research papers both in Australia
and abroad. In addition, he has participated in many International and National
Seminars. His efforts relating to health care, medication and homoeopathy have
been published many a time in the Print Media.
Bocquee presents a
modern and scientific face of homeopathy. His huge experience & practice
supported by clinical research based data, statistics and scientific
documentation, makes it unique in the homeopathic world. He not only presents
the 'new face' of modern homeopathy; but also responsible for 'new phase' in
Gerard Bocquee is one of among very few experienced
homeopath in Australia, having 36 years of experience in practicing full time
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