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Gerard Bocquee explores the ill-lighted principle of homeopathy
‘God is a Homeopath’ bridges the gap between religion and science and gives the answer to human ills

QUEENSLAND – “God is a Homeopath” by Gerard Bocquee is about the principle of cure that was placed in the Bible since creation which Dr. Samuel Hahnemann discovered, developed and made into a practical reality. The law of cure of homeopathy therefore is a universal principle for all races, all of mankind. This book is an exposé of the historical development of medicine and how homeopathy came about as a result of mankind missing the point of what health, real health is about. The designer of the universe created herbs in the likeness of the diseases they are to cure is the point the book makes.

“God is a Homeopath” follows Dr Samuel Hahnemann as the discoverer of the law of curing disease with simulated disease and the founder of experimental pharmacology. The other characters are the many historical personalities who have endorsed and contributed to the growth of homeopathy, such as Queen Victoria, Elizabeth the Queen Mother and Queen Elizabeth.

Bocquee believes that his book is unique because no one has ever illustrated or demonstrated the fact the word homeopathy is directly out of the most sold book, the most read book and the oldest book ever written, The Holy Bible.

“God is a Homeopath” bridges the gap between religion and science and gives the answer to human ills.

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About the Author

Gerard Bocquee D.Hom (South Africa), founder and principal of the first Homeopathic College in Australia, the H.C.A, Pty Ltd. in 1979-86, has lectured in Homoeopathy, Microbiology and Immunology. He conducted a post graduate course in Homeopathic medicine at the Sydney Chiropractic College in 1980.He is owner and director of HomLab-The Homeopathic Supply and Research Laboratory of Australia, since 1981, and has taught homeopathic pharmacy at South Bank T.A.F.E. He started his career in Homeopathy after acquiring experience in the field of research at the Mauritius Sugar Industry Research Institute. Gerard has also conducted lecture tours in Homeopathy at the University of Technology and the Ingau Hospital in Papua and New Guinea, public lecture to the nursing staff at the Wesley Hospital, Brisbane and at the Brisbane College of Traditional Acupuncture. He is founder and life member of the Australian Association of Professional Homeopaths Inc and is currently registered with the Australian Register of Homeopaths, Inc.

God is a Homeopath* by Gerard Bocquee
Publication Date: December 21, 2012
Trade Paperback; AU$28.99; 128 pages; 9781479751280
Trade Hardback; AU$49.99; 128 pages; 9781479751297
e-book; AU$3.99; 9781479751303

To request a complimentary paperback review copy, contact the publisher at 1-800-455-039. To purchase copies of the book for resale, please fax Xlibris at (02) 8088 6078 or call 1-800-455-039.

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